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Photojournalism: Krugobaikalka – Gold Buckle of the Steel Belt of Russia


Wojciech Śleszyński

The Baikal section is undoubtedly the most picturesque of the Trans-Siberian Railway. However, what made the shores of Lake Baikal so charming – a majestic sheet of water surrounded by mountains – also gave designers and builders headaches.

Here in Siberia, they were held back by particularly difficult geological conditions. The slopes of the nearby mountains, which descend sharply into the waters of Lake Baikal, prevented the smooth construction of a railway crossing.

Wojciech Śleszyński is a director of Sybir Memorial Museum, professor at University in Białystok

Read the text in Polish here: https://swiatsybiru.pl/pl/krugobajkalka-2/

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