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Ferdynand Antoni Ossendowski – A Writer Buried Twice


Piotr Malczewski

A chemist by training, a scientist, a journalist, a hunter, a tireless traveller and a very prolific writer. His life story could be the basis of an adventure film. Biographers claim he published more than 80 books, while he himself said he published 130, some of which were translated into at least 20 languages and became world bestsellers. Between the wars, he was the most widely read writer in Poland. After Sienkiewicz, no other Polish author of the inter-war period gained such global fame and popularity. After the Second World War, he was condemned to oblivion until 1990.

Piotr Malczewski – traveler, photographer, author of books about Siberia and the Far East

Read the text in Polish ere: https://swiatsybiru.pl/pl/ferdynand-antoni-ossendowski-pisarz-pochowany-dwa-razy-2/

Read the text in Polish about a trip in the footsteps of  Ossendowski here: https://swiatsybiru.pl/pl/wedrowka-sladami-ferdynanda-ossendowskiego-po-pograniczu-rosyjsko-mongolskim-i-republice-tuwa-2/

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