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Logo Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru w Białymstoku
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Logo Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru w Białymstoku
Logo Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru w Białymstoku
Logo Muzeum Pamięci Sybiru w Białymstoku

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The dramatic fate of Franciszek Bruchnicki

Franciszek Bruchnicki served in General Berling’s Army. In September 1944, he fought in the Czerniaków bridgehead, on the outskirts of Warsaw. A year later, he died in the gulag in Magadan. How did he end up there?

The story of one photograph

This photograph came to our Museum from the family of Jan Witusiak, who was deported with his family to the village of Teja in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Before we published it on...

A Group of Deportees with Their Guards, Teja, Krasnoyarsk Krai, 1940-1945

The Witusiak family was deported on 10 February 1940 to the village of Teja in Krasnoyarsk Krai. Jan worked at floating timber.

In a tailor’s workshop in Biysk, 1946

In a tailor’s workshop in Biysk, 1946

Eugenia Górecka nee Woźnicka (she is standing the first from the left in the second row) worked in the tailor workshop in Biysk in Altai Krai. The photograph was taken on 29 March 1946. Who are other people from this picture?

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Stanisława Lisowska with her friends, Pakhta-Aral, 1953

Stanisława Lisowska with her friends, Pakhta-Aral, 1953

The girl in the photograph from 1953 (second from the left) is Stanisława Lisowska. She is standing in a field of cotton with her friends. The Lisowski family was from the village of Jurewicze in Grodno Oblast. In 1952, Witold Lisowski was sentenced to 7 years of...

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