TSARIST TIMES YEARS 1918 - 1939 WORLD WAR II TO FREEDOM FILTERS 22.04.1908 – Janina Lewandowska – a pilot who loved life Second Lieutenant pilot Janina Lewandowska wasn't really the only woman, who died in Katyn, but the only female soldier who was shot there. Read more 1 Reset all × 1768 × 1830 × 1906 × 1908 × 1922 × 1939 × 1941 × 22 × Filters Reset all × 1768 × 1830 × 1906 × 1908 × 1922 × 1939 × 1941 × 22 × Year— 1908 × 1908 April— 22 22 Show (1) Cancel :