TSARIST TIMES YEARS 1918 - 1939 WORLD WAR II TO FREEDOM FILTERS 4.02.1940 – Execution of the “Bloody Dwarf” On 4 February 1940 (presumably!), Nikolai Yezhov, one of the cruellest perpetrators of Stalinist terror, was executed. Read more 1 Reset all × 1768 × 1819 × 1926 × 1928 × 1935 × 1940 × 1941 × 1944 × 4 × Filters Reset all × 1768 × 1819 × 1926 × 1928 × 1935 × 1940 × 1941 × 1944 × 4 × Year— 1940 × 1940 February— 4 4 17 29 Show (1) Cancel :