TSARIST TIMES YEARS 1918 - 1939 WORLD WAR II TO FREEDOM FILTERS 18.05.1944 – The Polish flag and St. Mary’s Trumpet Call on the Monte Cassino hill On May 18, 1944, soldiers of the 2 Polish Corps hung the Polish flag on the ruins of the Monte Cassino monastery. Read more 1 Reset all × 1768 × 1866 × 1908 × 1921 × 1926 × 1943 × 1944 × 1945 × 1989 × 18 × Filters Reset all × 1768 × 1866 × 1908 × 1921 × 1926 × 1943 × 1944 × 1945 × 1989 × 18 × Year— 1944 × 1944 May— 18 18 Show (1) Cancel :