TSARIST TIMES YEARS 1918 - 1939 WORLD WAR II TO FREEDOM FILTERS 12.08.1941 – The co-called amnesty On August 12, 1941, the authorities of the Soviet Union gave "amnesty" to hundreds of thousands of Poles deported to Siberia. Read more 1 Reset all × 1768 × 1866 × 1908 × 1926 × 1941 × 1941 × 1943 × 1945 × 1970 × 11 × Filters Reset all × 1768 × 1866 × 1908 × 1926 × 1941 × 1941 × 1943 × 1945 × 1970 × 11 × Year— 1941 × 1937 1941 August— 11 11 Show (1) Cancel :