On August 12, 1941, the authorities of the Soviet Union gave "amnesty" to hundreds of thousands of Poles deported to Siberia.
Helena Grodecka-Możdżeniowa, was one of about 90,000 victims of the third great deportation, which began on 29 June 1940. Most of those deported were refugees from the German occupation, mostly Jews. Poles accounted for about 11 per cent.
On April 3,1940, the first “death transport” of Polish prisoners of war set off from the Kozelsk camp.
On 4 February 1940 (presumably!), Nikolai Yezhov, one of the cruellest perpetrators of Stalinist terror, was executed.
The Sikorski-Mayski Agreement - Document that Gave Freedom
The day of 25 June 1941 in Białystok had a tragic both end and beginning.